Why All Drivers Need Auto Insurance

Fortunately, many people won’t have the experience of being involved in an accident. But if you are ever in that situation, you’ll want to have a robust auto insurance policy. There are many reasons why all drivers need auto insurance. Let’s take a closer look at a few of them.

It’s Required in All but Two States

Unless you live in New Hampshire or Virginia, you’re required to carry vehicle insurance. Even residents in those states understand the need for auto insurance, though. New Hampshire has one of the lowest uninsured rates at 6.1%, according to the Insurance Information Institute. It really doesn’t matter where you live; an auto policy is a must-have. Regardless of whether it’s required, having the right auto policy in place is a smart move!

Auto Insurance Protects Your Assets and Your Future

If you’re involved in an accident, whether it’s your fault or not, you’ll want to have an adequate insurance plan in place. With the right policy, you can avoid financial responsibility for any damages or losses that result from the accident. The proper policy can cover expenses like auto repair, property damage, and medical expenses. Without sufficient insurance, you could have to pay out-of-pocket in some situations. This is another great reason to always have an appropriate policy in place.

Auto Repair Coverage Is Invaluable

Most Americans rely on personal vehicles to get where they need to go. Without reliable transportation, it can be difficult to get to work on time or fulfill other obligations for your family. When you have car insurance, you can count on your vehicle getting fixed or replaced in the event that it’s damaged or totaled. Many policies also provide reimbursement for car rental expenses while your car is in the shop! If you don’t want to have to absorb the financial hit that comes with having your car fixed after an accident, be sure that you have the right insurance policy for your needs.

Want to find out more about the car insurance policies that are available in our area? Having the right policy can make all the difference if you are ever involved in an auto accident. Contact our office today and schedule a consultation with one of our knowledgeable and friendly reps at Tom Rich Insurance. We look forward to seeing you soon!

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